Parish Report – Priorities in 2019

Dear Parishioners, this year we are focusing our efforts on the important areas of adult faith education through the Alpha program, Youth Ministry through a dedicated group led by our Lay Pastoral Assistant, and the revised Sacramental Program which has seen 147 children confirmed recently and around 100 children to receive their First Communion later in the year.

We continue to be engaged across the early childhood and education sectors with the revamped kindergarten service now administered on behalf of the Parish by Centacare, a growing Outside School Hours Care service and of course our Primary School which continues to be an important focus.

Our many volunteers are out in the community visiting the aged and infirmed and we are blessed with the many people involved in numerous ministries across the Parish. Our new website was launched earlier this year along with new communication initiatives and new methods of providing faith education opportunities through technology.

Major efforts are being made to restore our Kenmore Church in its 50th year and this will draw significantly on our capital reserves.
Compliance in both WHS and Safeguarding continues to be a focus as we ensure the safety of all in our community and undergo audits in both of these areas this year.

We are most grateful for your continuing support, both physical and financial, in all these endeavours. The graphs alongside show our audited income & expenditure for the year just gone and I trust you find this information of interest. During this Planned Giving Renewal I ask you to thoughtfully consider your level of financial support by completing a new pledge form and returning it to the Parish office.

With thanks,

Fr. Mark Franklin.