Planned Giving Renewal 2019

Traditionally, Catholic Mass goers have equated the humble planned giving envelope to how we contribute to the life of the Parish financially. Over time less and less of those on the pews have seen planned giving as a necessary component of acknowledging their faith and the mission of the Parish. In many cases this reflects the generational changes in our church and society. When Fr Tom Carroll arrived in 1961 to an infant Kenmore Parish he had great plans to build a Catholic community of note and was well supported, albeit from a far less prosperous and significantly less numerous community than today’s. Yet here we are as a faith community all these years later, the benefactors of their generosity and faith. What more then, are we capable of?

As we ready for the 50th anniversary of Our Lady of the Rosary Church it is appropriate that we look at what we, as today’s Parish community, are prepared to commit in faith and finances not just for this generation but for those who follow. In practical terms we ask you to use the coming weeks to discern what your commitment to your Parish will be financially for the next twelve months. We are blessed with various methods of giving, through weekly envelopes, regular bank deduction or monthly credit card debit of which you can avail yourself.

Next weekend we will have pledge forms available on the pews for you to indicate your method and amount of giving.

As with your household finances it is important for the Parish to be able to budget for expenditure on the many pastoral, sacramental and faith education activities in the Parish along with our plans for youth and outreach. Your planned giving enables all these things and supports the upkeep and maintenance of Parish facilities, staffing, our Parish Priest, our increasing legislative obligations and the wider Archdiocese.
In addition to your commitment to planned giving, the current restoration works on the Kenmore Church provides an opportunity to assist through capital donations for specific purposes. Donations towards the roof repairs, the illumination of the Cross, the refurbishment of the Confessional space and the new and refurbished liturgical furnishings can be made through the Parish office at any time and for which we are most grateful.

To discuss your planned giving or to consider a capital donation please contact the Parish Manager.

Fr. Mark Franklin.